Featured on Flowerona Blog

We are delighted to be featured on Flowerona blog, our favorite floral blog. Flowerona is created by Rona Weeldon to celebrate all things flower related. The UK blog covers everything flower-related including florists, artists, designers, homeware, floristry books, exhibitions, fashion, gardening, flower markets, interior design, photographers and stationery.

This is what we say in the interview: "We love to use flowers in different stages of their life: blossoms and flowers in their splendour, but also dried or dead flowers. We believe that this is the correct way to interpret life. It comprises the bloom of youth but also the wisdom of old age. Every stage of life has its own charm and beauty and we try to underline that in our floral works". Read the entire interview with DUEALBERI here.

We are also happy to take part of the wedding directory Weddingdayweardir. You will find our prints announcement in the stationary directory. 


  1. As we all look up to the New Year
    with new hope, aspirations and
    Hope it brings you happiness and
    fulfills all your wishes,

    Wish you a Happy and
    Fulfilling 2012!!!

  2. Thank you! This is such a wonderful comment! Many great wishes to you too!!!


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